Judge: Humility and reality
1 Corinthians 4:1-5; Psalm 37; Luke 5:33-39
To judge is to develop an opinion or to make a critical decision; to infer or to come to a conclusion about a person. Because we are spared from having to judge ourselves, judging others is simple.
Let us be mindful of the times we judge others. We often judge based on appearances, actions, or rumors. But do we know the whole story? Do we know the struggles, the pain, and the fears that others face?
Paul addressed a group in Corinth who were judging his ministry. Before judging another, always remember that we are at the mercy of God. Be humble and true.
The Pharisees and the scribes said to Jesus, “John’s disciples are always fasting and saying prayers, and the disciples of the Pharisees too, but yours go on eating and drinking.” We don’t just fast because we want to outdo our neighbours; we fast and pray to align ourselves with God better. People fast for various reasons; while some are genuine, others are pharisaic. Let’s be real, humble, and true!
Let Us Pray
Lord, we are truly in need of new wineskins. Grant us an elasticity of heart and mind so that we can be ever open to the freshness and power of your word. Amen.
Fr. Daniel Evbotokhai