Speck and a Log
1 Corinthians 9:16-19, 22-27; Psalm 84; Luke 6:39-42
Hyperbole is a literary tool that Jesus Christ occasionally used to make a point. In one such instance, Jesus questioned, “Why do you see the speck in your neighbour’s eye, but do not notice the log in your own eye?
We have the tendency to notice the faults of others more easily and frequently than our own personal faults. Yet we defend and excuse our faults easily and condemn others rashly.
Today’s gospel invites us to self-examination, sincerity, and humility. Hypocrisy is seen as “gross insincerity.” The blade of judgement cuts both ways. Christ wants us to be consistent, real, honest, and humble when passing judgment. Hypocrisy is self-glorification that leads to self-disqualification.
Apostle Paul urges us never to be self-satisfied, but rather let us always strive to attain heaven through constant training and formation. St. John Chrysostom, whose memorial we celebrate today, used his office for the spread of the faith and defence against heresies. Beloved, use your office, position, and privilege to help, not hinder.
Let us pray
Father, give us the grace to walk in dignity before you. Give us the ability to desist from hypocrisy, teach us to be humble and real, and may the Holy Spirit guide us in the ways of light. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen
Fr. Daniel Evbotokhai