The Good Samaritan

Galatians 1:6-12, Psalm 111, Luke 10:25-37

As we reflect on the Parable of the Good Samaritan, Pope Francis reminds us that true worship is inextricably linked to service to our neighbors. We are called to transcend spectatorship and instead, actively engage with those suffering around us.

In today’s Gospel, Jesus illustrates the importance of compassion and mercy. The priest and Levite, blinded by indifference, ignored the wounded traveler. Conversely, the Samaritan, moved by empathy, provided selfless care.

We are surrounded by wounded individuals – physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. We must not turn a blind eye. Helping others is a privilege, not a burden.

Martin Luther King Jr.’s words echo this sentiment: “True compassion requires restructuring the systems that perpetuate suffering.” We must address the root causes of marginalization and strive for transformative change.

As we navigate life’s journey, may Our Lady of the Holy Rosary intercede for us. May God grant us:

– Eyes to see our suffering brethren
– A heart that loves as He does
– Hands that help
– Lips that pray

Let us pray:

Lord, as we journey through life, give us the courage to act with compassion, wisdom, and sound judgment. Transform our hearts and our world, that we may build a society founded on love, justice, and mercy. Amen.

Fr. Daniel Evbotokhai

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