(Pride, name, fame & a city for ourselves)
Genesis 11:1-9; Psalm 32; Mark 8:34-9:1
In Genesis 11:4 the people said to themselves “Come, let us build a city FOR OURSELVES, with a tower that touches the heavens. Let us make a name FOR OURSELVES.” The use of “ourselves” here, simply shows how egocentric and self-centered they were. The people erred from the covenant yet desired to outshine God in strength. God discontinued their project by making it difficult for them to communicate.
Many Christians today exhibit the same pride and self-reliance found in the tower of Babel. This pride is equally seen in the lives of some pastors and priests today. Some ministers are more concerned with pleasing themselves than pleasing God. All they do is centered around them. They want to be famous, build a city and a name for themselves and claim the glory that rightly belongs to God alone.
No doubt, people love to make a name themselves by creating something others can’t ignore. But as believers it is more of God than ourselves. We don’t strive to make a name for ourselves; rather we strive to make God’s name known.
Consequently, as against this structure of pride, fame and self-reliance Jesus says to us in the gospel; “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me” (Mark 8:34). Thus, Jesus cautions us against attempting to conquer this world when our focus should be on securing a place in paradise. The only people who can join the kingdom and get their genuine inheritance are those who sincerely and firmly follow Jesus.
Lord Jesus, have mercy and save us. We regret our pride and ego. Help us to be docile to your Divine plan. Amen.
Fr. Daniel Evbotokhai