The fact that women are not ordained priests does not in any way suggest oppression. It does not mean that, in the eyes of the Catholic Church, men and women are not equal. So those of you who think that the church is not being fair to women have to read this write-up.

Mind you, even if a woman sneaks into the seminary and goes through the formation process without being caught yet ordained as a priest, if it is verified that “he” is a woman, that ordination is illicit. It is just a case of the seed falling on the wrong soil; it withers away (Matthew 13:18–23).

In the eyes of the church, men and women are equal. But we must understand that this equality between both sexes does not mean ‘sameness’. There are fundamental differences between both sexes, which rightly suggest differences in certain roles.

Again, this fundamental difference in sexes reveals the great spousal mystery. By spousal mystery, I mean the relationship between Christ and the Church, as captured in the relationship between a husband and wife.

So, the church is described as the bride of Christ, and Christ as the bridegroom (Ephesians 5:22–33). Hence, if the Church continues to remain the bride of Christ, it follows that only men can fundamentally exist in that sacred and spiritual union.

More so, Jesus selected twelve men as his apostles (Matthew 10:1–4, Mark 3:13–19, and Luke 6:12–16). This deliberate and symbolic decision established the groundwork for the male priesthood. If Jesus had intended women for this ministerial office, he would have chosen them.

Generally, the New Testament refers to male leaders as bishops, priests, and deacons when discussing church leadership and ministerial roles. St. Paul addresses church hierarchy and leadership responsibilities in 1 Timothy and 1 Corinthians. It is evident from these letters that women were excluded from particular ministerial positions. Thus, the church sees itself as bound to uphold this truth rooted in Scripture and sacred tradition.

Consequently, women are welcome to take on leadership and engage in a variety of ministries within the Church, but the position of an ordained priesthood is exclusively held by men, and no Pope may do otherwise.

If you like ‘No gree for anybody’ 😂

Father Daniel Evbotokhai 

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