1 Samuel 17:32–33, 37, 40–51; Psalm 144; Mark 3:1–6.

In the Gospel, Jesus miraculously restored a withered hand. The Scribes and Pharisees rose against him because of the Sabbath’s protocols and structures.

For Jesus, every law must give expression to love and compassion. No genuine law is against love and care. Without love, we cannot care for those with disabilities. The law of love is the greatest commandment. Do we keep the ‘law of love’?

Again, the restoration of the withered hand is a clear justification that our hands have been released. Therefore, let us stretch out our hands to love and care for the needy and disabled. Stretch out your hand and work for the good of society. Don’t stay idle.

Like David in the first reading, let us offer ourselves in service to others—the incapacitated and the weak. If we are willing to care and help, God will give us victory. God gave David victory over Goliath, the Philistine. Beloved, let us use our knowledge, gifts, and power to help, not hinder. Let us not use laws to hinder God’s work.

The Church commemorates St. Anthony, Abbot (251-356). At around the age of 18, St. Anthony, following the words of Christ that says “If you wish to be perfect, go, sell what you have, and give it to the poor” (Matt. 19:21); he sold all he had and retired to the desert in order to live in complete solitude. In addition to laying the groundwork for communal existence, he imparted to his followers the profound, comprehensive, and wise teaching that comes only from years of introspection and prayer and serves as the most solid foundation for Christian asceticism.

Let us pray

Shed your clear light on our hearts, Lord, so that, walking continually in the way of your commandments, we may never be deceived or misled. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

Fr. Daniel Evbotokhai

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