ISAIAH 65:17–21; PSALM 30; JOHN 4:43–54
“The sound of weeping would no longer be heard, and infants would no longer die after a few days” (Isaiah 65:19). This is a prophecy against premature death, and we claim this grace upon our lives. By the power of God, we shall not die a premature death. Amen!
Jesus is seen fulfilling this prophecy in today’s gospel reading. He cures the son of a court official. Jesus performed this miracle on the basis of man’s faith in Christ. It is faith that matters; have faith irrespective of the matter. All miracles are products of faith; if we don’t have faith, we may not experience the healing power of God.
Beloved, what is the situation that surrounds you? What is that sickness that torments your resources? Do you still have faith? Do you believe in miracles? If you do, seek Jesus, and He will give you the comfort of his presence.
Let us pray
Standing on the prophecy of Isaiah by grace, I degree God’s goodness upon you this new week, and by that same mantle, no sound of untimely death will be heard in your house in Jesus name. Amen.