The Paschal Candle
The Paschal candle that shall be installed this night represents Christ as the Light of the World who has come to dispel the darkness of sin and death. You must have noticed that the Paschal candle carries certain symbols, as shown in the picture below. These symbols are not strange in biblical teaching.
1. The Alpha and the Omega [Alpha (Α) and Omega (Ω)]—these are the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet. You can find it. In Revelation 1:8, Jesus declares, “I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty.” Hence, it represents Christ’s eternal nature and presence. He is both the beginning and the end.
2. The Five Wounds: These are the injuries Jesus sustained during his crucification. The Paschal candle is often marked with five grains of incense, symbolizing the five wounds. The spots are two in his hands, two in his feet, and one in his side (John 19:34). These wounds point to Christ’s suffering and selfless love for the redemption of man.
The prayer attached to these wounds is as follows: “By his holy and glorious wounds, may Christ the Lord guard us and protect us. Amen. Hence, the Paschal candle is a symbol of Christ’s protection over his people.
3. Four numerals: There are four numerals on the Paschal candle. These are the numerals for the current year. So the numbers you will see on the Paschal candle this year will be “2024”. It simply means that all time, ages, glory, and power belong to God.
4. Baptismal Promises. During the Easter vigil, the faithful will renew their baptismal promises. They do this with lighted candles from the Paschal candle; Christ shares his light for our salvation.
Recall that during the Chrism mass, the priest renewed their vows, and on this night, the faithful will renew their baptismal promises. Hence, the lenten season brings the entire church to a rebirth, revival, and renewal.
Remain strong as a revived Christian, continue to burn for God, and live as light.
God bless you.
Father Daniel Evbotokhai