Peace be with you

ACTS 3:11-26; PSALM 8; LUKE 24:35-48

While the disciples were still troubled over what had happened, “Jesus himself stood among them and said to them, ‘Peace be with you!’ Jesus comforts the disciples’ fears and doubts by speaking words of peace. To all those who are troubled, those in a state of alarm and fright, those who are seeing ghosts in their daily lives, and those who are scandalized by a neighbour’s death, Jesus comes as a consoler with words of peace. He says, “Peace be with you.”. 

“Have you anything here to eat?’ And they offered him a piece of grilled fish, which he took and ate before their eyes.” Jesus ate to clear up the doubts of the disciples. Similarly, he clears our doubts through the scriptures and his miraculous power in our lives. 

Lastly, Jesus wants us to be his witnesses to the world. In the first reading, following the healing at the beautiful gate, the people were astounded and thought the apostles were extraordinary individuals. Peter was quick to chastise and admonish them. He helped them recognize that they were used by God. Spiritual gifts are not for personal glorification but for the expansion of the kingdom.

Let us pray

O God, who has united the many nations in confessing your name, grant that those reborn in the water of baptism may be one in the faith of their hearts and the homage of their deeds. Give light to our souls and families so that we may overcome the darkness of this world through the risen Lord. Amen

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