Jesus Heals a Man With Leprosy
2 Kings 25:1–12; Psalm 136; Matthew 8:1-4
A leper kneeled before Jesus in the gospel text and said to him, “Lord, if you will, you can make me clean.” Jesus said to him, “I will be clean,” and immediately he was cleansed. Christ gave the leper a new look.
We all face chronic discomfort and need healing. Let’s rely on God’s power for both physical and emotional healing. Christ is willing to help, and we should trust in Him for help. God is always willing; we too should entrust ourselves to him.
The first reading details Jerusalem’s destruction, famine, Zedekiah’s attack, and Solomon’s Temple demolition by Babylonians. They succeeded in this battle because the people abandoned their God. No one rejects God and remains relevant. John 15:5 says, Cut away from me, you can do nothing.
Let us pray
Dear Lord, we come humbly before you, asking you to heal us in every area of our lives. We give you our hearts in faith that you can make us whole. Jesus, we believe that you are our healer and redeemer. Amen
Fr. Daniel Evbotokhai