The Battle for Truth
Jeremiah 28:1–17, Ps. 119, Matthew 14:13–21
Today’s reading from Jeremiah 28:1–17 presents a stark contrast between two prophets: Hananiah, who spoke lies, and Jeremiah, who spoke truth. Hananiah’s false prophecy was appealing, while Jeremiah’s message was itching to hearers. Yet Jeremiah remained faithful to God’s word, even when it was unpopular.
We also face a battle for truth in our lives. We’re constantly bombarded with false messages and tempting lies. Many Christians today run after appealing prophecies at the expense of the truth. Truth has become a scare commodity in society and even in the church. Let us stand up for what is right, even when it’s hard.
Hananiah’s false prophecy led to his death (Jer. 28:16–17), demonstrating that we are accountable for their words and actions. Beloved, discern between true and false prophecies, for we shall be held accountable for our deeds.
The gospel reminds us to trust in God’s provision, share what we have, and follow Jesus’ instructions, knowing that He can do the impossible and cares for our physical and spiritual needs. If we share, we will be satisfied.
Let us pray
Almighty Father, bring clarity and understanding to our communities; help us to seek and speak truth at all times. May our words and actions reflect your love and honesty. Amen
Fr. Daniel Evbotokhai