The Lord’s invitation

EZEKIEL 36:23–28; PSALM 51; Matthew 22:1–14


Today we reflect on the Lord’s invitation to us. An invitation to follow him and to be in union with him. Using the parable of the wedding feast, today’s gospel conveys a message about the Kingdom of God. We are all invited to the Kingdom of God. However, to gain entrance, we must be dressed in the wedding garment. That is, we must live a life worthy of the kingdom—no repentance, no entrance.

Again, the gospel says that “none of those who were initially invited bother to attend.” Beloved, if we dishonour the Lord’s invitation, he will dishonour us on the last day, and we will face eternal regret.

The Lord’s invitation is not just a casual request; it’s a call to a deep and personal relationship with Him. It’s a call to holiness and transformation.

Ezekiel prophesied in the first reading, “Create in me a pure heart, O God, and put a steadfast spirit within me.” Without a new heart and a steadfast spirit, we cannot overcome lukewarmness, boredom, and spiritual apathy. Let’s desire and pray for the grace of revival. 

Let us pray.

Cast us not away from your presence, oh Lord, and take not your Holy Spirit from us; restore unto us the joy of your salvation and renew the right spirit within us. Amen!

Fr. Daniel Evbotokhai 

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