1Cor.1:26-31; Psalm 33; Matthew 25:14-30
“You have been faithful in small things; come and join in your master’s happiness.” Being trustworthy with small sums of money could be more crucial than with large sums. We all have a paradoxical urge for bigger things, nevertheless. Because of this, the servant who was granted one talent declined to use it.
Let us learn to give our best in the various abilities that have been bestowed upon us. Use your one talent; do not be envious of another’s many talents.
Differences in talents make no difference in rewards if they are used to their full potential. Thus, the two servants who committed their talents were rewarded with their “master’s happiness.” If we use our different talents wisely, we shall all enter the “master’s happiness”—the Kingdom of God.
Finally, Paul in the first reading emphasises God’s sovereignty, our dependence on Him, and the centrality of Christ in our lives, while warning against self-reliance and boasting.
Let Us Pray
Almighty Father, help us to be faithful stewards of our time, talents, and resources, using them for the benefit of others and for the building up of your kingdom. Guide us in recognising new talents and grant us the wisdom and perseverance to develop them. Amen
Fr. Daniel Evbotokhai