The Beatitudes
1 Corinthians 7:25-31, Psalm 45; Luke 6:20-26
Luke 6:20–26 presents us with Luke’s version of the Beatitudes, sometimes called the “sermon on the plain. It is so named because, according to Luke, Jesus came down from the mountain and stood on a plain surface to deliver his sermon.
In Luke’s gospel, the sermon is shorter and more radical compared to Matthew’s. It contains four blessings and four curses contrasted. They are poverty and riches; hunger and fullness; sorrow and laughter; and lastly, defamation and commendation. Generally, the beatitudes are Christ’s commentaries on our attitude.
Similarly, Paul in the first reading commented on our attitude towards chaste living. He urges us to be faithful in our various commitments, married or celibate. There is no vocation or way of life that is easy, and so Paul encourages us to remain steadfast in spite of the many troubles.
Let us pray
Lord, free us from the shackles of bad attitude. Work in our hearts and minds to transform us. Fill us with joy that emanates from your Spirit and a passionate desire for deeper values in life through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Fr. Daniel Evbotokhai