Dangers Disciples Must Avoid

Today’s readings (Numbers 11:25-29, Psalm 19, James 5:1-6, Mark 9:38-43, 45, 47-48) caution us against four dangers that can undermine our discipleship.

1. Jealousy

In the first reading and gospel, we see jealousy rearing its head. Moses’ followers and John wanted to restrict others from exercising their gifts. Jealousy stems from low self-esteem, poor self-image, or unrealistic expectations. Proverbs 14:30 warns, “Jealousy is rottenness to the bones.” Let us embrace others’ gifts and learn from those outside our circle.

2. Scandal

Jesus warns against causing others to stumble (Mark 9:42). Scandal destroys faith and increases unbelief. As disciples, we must avoid behavior that tempts others or leads them astray.

3. Fanaticism

Fanaticism involves uncritical zeal, forgetting the true aim of our faith. We see this in the first reading, where some wanted Moses to stop others from prophesying. George Santayana defines fanaticism as “redoubling your effort when you have forgotten your aim.” Let us critically evaluate our zeal, ensuring it aligns with God’s purpose.

4. Exploitation

James 5:1-6 reminds us to avoid exploiting others, whether in our daily interactions or workplaces. Exploitation can take many forms, from withholding wages to manipulating others for personal gain. Let us treat others with fairness and respect.

Let’s ask ourselves the following questions: 

1. Am I jealous of others’ gifts or successes?

2. Do my actions potentially scandalize or tempt others?

3. Am I guilty of fanaticism or exploitation in my faith or daily life?

4. What “hand,” “foot,” or “eye” do I need to “cut off” to preserve my discipleship?

To maintain a healthy discipleship, Jesus urges us to “cut off” whatever leads us to sin (Mark 9:43-47). If our actions or habits cause us to stumble, it’s better to sacrifice them than risk eternal damnation.


May God grant us the wisdom to recognize and avoid these dangers, that we may faithfully follow Him and enter the kingdom of heaven.

Fr. Daniel Evbotokhai 

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