Philippians 3:17-4:1; Psalm 122; Luke 16:1-8
Today’s Gospel presents the parable of the Crafty Steward, a masterful teacher of prudent resource management. Using the example of the crafty steward, Jesus urges us to become honest stewards, utilizing our resources wisely to secure eternal life.
As St. Paul encourages us to “stand firm in the Lord” (Philippians 4:1), let us reflect on our stewardship: Are we using our talents, time, and treasure for God’s glory?
Are we cunning, crafty, manipulative, duplicitous, disingenuous, deceptive, parasitic, hypocritical, fake, charlatanic, guilt-tripping, subversive, colluding, plotting, scheming, exploiting and predatory?
As believers, let us: Embody integrity and transparency, cultivate generosity and compassion, seek wisdom and knowledge to serve others.
Almighty and ever-faithful God, we gratefully acknowledge your mercy, may our faithful stewardship secure for us a place in eternal life.
Fr. Daniel Evbotokhai