The Birth of John the Baptist
MALACHI 3:1-4, 23-24; PSALM 25; LUKE 1:57-66
God can do miraculous things to fulfil His purpose: Zachariah and Elizabeth, parents of John, were both from the priestly family of Aaron and were advanced in years. Elizabeth was barren but had a miraculous birth.
Beloved, delay in childbearing should not lead us into faithlessness. We have the examples of Hannah and her son Samuel and the wife of Manoah and her son Samson. They had a delay but were not denied. Good does the impossible.
John’s purpose was to prepare people for the coming of Christ. John knew his purpose, and he served in that capacity. What is your mission? Why were you born? Why are you still alive?
The birth of John the Baptist should deepen our love for unborn babies; they must be given the chance to grow, live, and become the great men and women they were destined to be.
John was sent by God, just as Elijah was sent in the first reading. They had similar roles; they fulfilled their mission. We are no longer in the days of Elijah and John the Baptist, but you and I are present-day messengers; we are to herald a new era in God’s salvific chronicle. Therefore, let us rise to our duties as ministers, teachers, and guardians.
Let us pray
Father, help us; like Elijah and John, may we not fail. Where there are struggles, give us the sufficient grace to prevail; where we are limited, empower us through the Holy Spirit to excel; and may the Nativity of your Son, Jesus Christ, draw us nearer and make us better. Amen!
Fr. Daniel Evbotokhai