Spiritual Growth and Maturity

1 John 2:12-17; Psalm 96; Luke 2:36-40

John gives us three categories of spiritual growth in his letter: children, young adults, and fathers (1 John 2:12-17). Using this analogy, John challenges us to strive for spiritual maturity.

As children in the faith, the Bible says we crave spiritual milk to grow (1 Peter 2:2). We need guidance and nurturing from our spiritual parents and the Church. Our faith is simple, yet genuine. However, we cannot stay at this stage forever; we must grow and mature.

As young adults, the Bible says we have overcome initial struggles and stand firm. We have a deeper understanding of God’s Word and are more confident. We are like soldiers, equipped for battle. Unfortunately, many who ought to be at this stage of faith still behave like children.

As fathers and mothers, the Bible says we have reached spiritual maturity. We have a deep understanding of God’s Word and have experienced His presence. We are wise elders, with experience to share. It is sad that many fathers and mothers are spiritually immature, even after many years in the Church.

Let us reflect on our spiritual journey. Where are you? Strive to grow, become stronger, wiser, and more discerning. Nurture your spiritual life, that you may become the spiritual father or mother God is calling you to be.

May God bless us on our spiritual journey. Amen.

Fr. Daniel Evbotokhai

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