Relationship by Faith

Hebrews 10:1-10/Psalm 39/Mark 3:31-35

Someone told Jesus, “Your mother and brothers and sisters are outside asking for you.” This verse has been a subject of controversy among believers. Some believe that Jesus had other siblings. According to the New Community Bible Commentary, in Jewish society, the word “brother” did not necessarily mean “blood brothers” or children of the same parents. Rather, it referred to various degrees of kinship, such as close relatives, members of the same clan or tribe, or even of the same people (Leviticus 19:18). These “brothers” of Jesus are, at best, referred to as cousins today.

Apart from this, the Bible also comments on a new dimension of relationship called “relationship by faith.” This relationship exists in the kingdom that Christ has come to establish. In this kingdom, we are all brothers and sisters – one family of God, not by means of blood but by obedience to the Father’s will. Consequently, Jesus told them, “Anyone who does the will of God, that person is my brother and sister and mother” (Mark 3:35). 

The first reading continues with this same theme, saying obedience to God’s will is far more important than sacrifices and oblations. It is not enough to fast and pray; are you ready to do His will? 

The life of St. Thomas Aquinas, whose memorial we honour today, was instrumental in the expansion of God’s Kingdom. His entire existence was a manifestation of God’s will. What can be said of us today?


Grant, Lord, that in the service of our fellow men, we may always reflect Your own gentleness and love, and so imitate Saint Thomas Aquinas, whom You made all things to all men for the saving of souls. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Fr. Daniel Evbotokhai 

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