EZEKIEL 34:1-11; PSALM 23; MATTHEW 20:1-16
The first reading presents us with Ezekiel’s prophecy on the shepherds of Israel. These shepherds neglected their duty and so the people turned to other gods. For this reason the Lord says he will shepherd his flock. The psalmist picks up this theme when it says “the Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want.” Beloved in Christ, other shepherds may fail; but the Lord is the Shepherd who never fails. In the Gospel reading, the Lord is the Landowner who sends workers into his vineyard. We are equal before God and so he rewards us equally. The reward of our labour is salvation. If we don’t neglect our duty like the shepherds in the first reading we shall be rewarded. Anyone who puts God first shall never come last.
Let us pray
Lord as I work in your vineyard as (The name of your task) help me to be diligent about the task you have given me. Help me to understand that you are the one who determines what work? and how long? Everything depends on you Lord. Help me to focus on my work, be grateful for your gifts and not be envious of others’ benefits. Amen.
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