1 Corinthians 4:6-15; Psalm 145; Luke 6:1-5
The Scribes and the Pharisees questions Jesus about the observance of the Sabbath. We are to observe the Sabbath. Nowhere does Jesus give any justification for breaking the Sabbath. No doubt he and his disciples observed it as a day of rest and worship. For the Pharisees life is about the law; but for Jesus life is about love. Jesus doesn’t see observance of the Law as the point, but to the love and mercy that the Law points to. St. Paul in the first reading corroborates this when he said that Christ’s message is of paramount importance compared to our status and possessions. Christ’s message is the message of Love. Love must have the first place in all things. If we choose to follow Jesus in this love quest we’ll be criticized the way Christ was.
Let us pray
Lord, help me not to become too institutionalized and constitutionalized by the accumulated man-made traditions that I will fail to keep my eyes on you to see your purposes. Keep my feet ready and free to follow you in your sometimes strange pathways. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.