1 CORINTHIANS 15:12-20; PSALM 16; LUKE 8:1-3
Paul says “If Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is in vain and your faith is in vein.” Therefore, Christianity is meaningful because Jesus rose from the dead. This is the pillar of our faith and the reason for eternal hope. The Gospel presents us with women who were part of Christ’s mission. These women witnessed to the episode on Mount Calvary, they were present at his burial and they saw the Risen Lord. Many of them gave their resources and testified to the Lord’s resurrection. Beloved in Christ, we must not cease to promote the Good News of the resurrection through our availability, collaboration and resources.
Almighty God, our creator and guide, may we serve you with all our hearts, minds and actions. Help us to use your gifts in our lives to serve you better and to promote your Kingdom. Teach us to be available for mission and to support missionary works. Amen.