7 days Bible study and prayers

Good evening beloved in Christ. We thank God for his mercies and might in this outgoing month of October. Though it was tough in all aspects yet we are alive hale and hearty. We have more reasons to thank God; we have more reasons to pray not only for what we need at present but most importantly for eternal relevance. What shall it profit a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his own soul. We pray for success, fuller realization of our faith, divine encounter and testimonies!

Happy New Month
Grace and peace to you in this month of November.



The patriarchs of the Bible, when narrowly defined, are Abraham, his son Isaac, and Isaac’s son Jacob, also named Israel, the ancestor of the Israelites. In the course of our prayers and studies we shall view them beyond this narrow count. But for now, these three figures are referred to collectively as the patriarchs, and the period in which they lived is known as the patriarchal age. They play significant roles in the Old Testament also called the Hebrew scripture. They had immeasurable impart in the New Testament and their ways and example has so much for us in this generation.

*DAY 1 (Abraham)*

Private One hour with God daily. The goal is to guide and teach us to turn from the road of conceit in the face of present day troubles, temptations, spiritual and physical attacks. When we walk with God we are never lost and we are always current, correct and pure. Christians today must look into the scripture and search out their position. Let us seek to have a genuine relationship with God and every other thing shall be added.

_Time: Between 5a.m to 12pm choose your convenient 1hour with God._


*1* Hail Mary 21 times and Thank you Jesus 21 times.

*2* Bible Study: Gen.12:1-20 and Gen.22:1-19

*3* Lessons:
*We have been called by God

*We must leave our immediate comfort

*The greater the cost, the greater the sacrifice.

* Godly obedience should be swift.

*4* Silence (5 to 10 minutes) (write down your own lessons; learn to hear from God and write down whatever God says to you)

*5* The Litany to the Precious Blood of Jesus (Below)

*6* Intercessory Prayers : Let No Evil Befall Us

Let No Evil Befall Us

O God, You are the preserver of men, and the keeper of
our lives. We commit ourselves to Your perfect care on the
journey that awaits us. We pray for a safe and auspicious
journey. Give Your angels charge over us to keep us in all
our ways. Let no evil befall us, nor any harm come to our
dwelling that we leave behind. Although we are uncertain
of what the days may bring, may we be prepared for any event
or delay, and greet such with patience and understanding.
Bless us O Lord, that we may complete our journey safely
and successfully under Your ever watchful care.


Lord, have mercy on us
Lord, have mercy on us
Christ, have mercy on us
Christ, have mercy on us Lord, have mercy on us
Lord, have mercy on us

Christ, hear us
Christ, graciously hear us
God, the Father of heaven

have mercy on us
God the Son, Redeemer of the world *
God, the Holy Spirit *
Holy Trinity, One God *

O most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ, the Blood of Salvation
*Cover us and the whole world.*

The ocean of the Blood of Jesus Christ

*set us free*( *R* your response)

The Blood of Jesus Christ,
Full of holiness and compassion *R*

Precious Blood of Jesus Christ,
Our strength and power

Precious Blood of Jesus Christ,
The Everlasting Covenant *R*

Precious Blood of Jesus Christ,
The foundation of the Christian faith *R*

Precious Blood of Jesus Christ,
The armor of God *R*

Precious Blood of Jesus Christ,
The Divine Charity *R*

Precious Blood of Jesus Christ,
The scourge of demons *R*

Precious Blood of Jesus Christ, The help of those in bondage *R*

Precious Blood of Jesus Christ,
The sacred wine *R*

Precious Blood of Jesus Christ,
The power of Christians *R*

Precious Blood of Jesus Christ,
The defender of the Catholic wall *R*

Precious Blood of Jesus Christ,
The Christian’s true faith *R*

Precious Blood of Jesus Christ,
The healing blood
*save us* (Response)

Precious Blood of Jesus Christ,
The anointing blood

Precious Blood of Jesus Christ,
The boldness of the children of God

Precious Blood of Jesus Christ,
The commander of Christian warriors

Precious Blood of Jesus Christ,
The blood of resurrection

Precious Blood of Jesus Christ,
The drink of heavenly angels

Precious Blood of Jesus Christ,
The consolation of God the Father

*R* Precious Blood of Jesus Christ,
The power of the Holy Spirit

Precious Blood of Jesus Christ,
The circumcision of the Gentiles

Precious Blood of Jesus Christ,
The peace of the world

Precious Blood of Jesus Christ,
The sunshine of heaven and earth

Precious Blood of Jesus Christ,
The rainbow in heaven

Precious Blood of Jesus Christ,
The hope of innocent children

Precious Blood of Jesus Christ,
The Word of God in our hearts *R*

Precious Blood of Jesus Christ,
The heavenly weapon *R*

Precious Blood of Jesus Christ,
The Divine Wisdom *R*

Precious Blood of Jesus Christ,
The foundation of the world *R*

Precious Blood of Jesus Christ,
The mercy of God the Father *R*

O most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ
Cleanse the sins of the world
O most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ

*R*: Refine the world

O most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ
*R* Teach us how to console Jesus

*Let us Pray*

O Precious Blood of our salvation, we believe, hope and trust in You. Deliver all those that are in the hands of the infernal spirits we beseech You. Protect the dying against the works of evil spirits and welcome them into Your eternal glory. Have mercy on the whole world and strengthen us to worship and console the Sacred Heart. We adore you, O Precious Blood of mercy. Amen.

O most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ

*R* Heal the wounds in the most Sacred Heart of Jesus. (repeat 3 times)