PHILIPPIANS 2:12-18; PSALM 27; LUKE 14:25-33
In today’s gospel Jesus lays down the demands for discipleship. Jesus is not out to induce anyone and that is why in Luke 9:58 he said to the man who said I will follow you, foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, but the son of man has nowhere to lay his head. Jesus is so honest about the demands of discipleship that no one can ever claim to have been induced to follow Jesus. Again, if you do not consider the cost of a building before embarking on it you may expose yourself; if your armies are not strong enough do not go to battle. Therefore, we must think before we act. Don’t be in a hurry to act when you have not weigh the strength and weakness of your actions. At times when you look at the society you can place man within three categories: those who think before they act, those who act before they think and lastly, those who don’t think at all but continue to act. To avoid this danger Jesus stood before the crowed and gave them the demands of discipleship so that they can examine themselves. Let us examine ourselves today. St. Charles Borromeo, pray for us.
Let us pray
Eternal Father, I know that following you will not always be easy. I know it takes commitment and perseverance. I pray now that I will take up my cross and follow you. I will carry my burdens, I will follow even when it’s hard. I know that work for the kingdom of God is worth it. Amen.