HOMILY FOR THURSDAY FIRST WEEK OF ADVENT    (Memorial of St Francis Xavier, Priest)

Isaiah 26:1-6; Psalm 118; Matthew 7:21, 24-27


Who are those that will enter the Kingdom of God? The first reading says the righteous nation which keeps faith will enter. The Gospel says those who do the will of the Father. Beloved, to be wise is to do the will of the Father not your will. Precisely because of this, Jesus says not all those who say ‘Lord, Lord, shall enter the kingdom of heaven’. It is very easy for people to call out his name and seek his help but this does not win entry to heaven. The saints kept faith and obeyed God’s word. If heaven is our goal; we must keep faith and obey his word. St Francis Xavier, pray for us.


Let us pray

O my Jesus, forgive us of our sins. Save us from the fires of hell. Lead all souls into heaven, especially those in most need of thy mercy.