1 John 5:5-13/Psalms 147:12-13, 14-15, 19-20/Luke 5:12-16
Both readings today present us with the theme “testimony”. Christians in general, use the term “to testify” or “to give one’s testimony” as we have it in the first reading to mean “to tell the story of how one became a Christian”. Commonly it may refer to a specific event in a Christian’s life in which God did something deemed particularly as worth sharing. Everyone’s testimony is powerful because it is a story about moving from death to life. Giving your personal testimony is a way to share the gospel with others by explaining your personal salvation experience. It gives other an example of how God changes lives. The Gospel tells us that the news about Jesus spread all the more. Today, it is our responsibility to testify, we are duty-bound to ensure that the news about Jesus keeps on spreading; mainly among those that do not know Him or the lapsed members of our faith. According to the first reading we must testify to the world that God gave us eternal life, and this life is in his Son.
Let us pray
Heavenly Father, thank you for this day. We praise you for who you made us to be, where you have placed us, and the people you have surrounded us with. Let us bring the fragrant aroma of Christ to those who do not know you.