GENESIS 1:20-2:4; PSALM 8; MARK 7:1-13

The first reading presents us with the creation account and how God gave man dominion over creation. In line with the creation account the Psalm of today praised God for his magnificent creation. Man’s  dominion over creation also implies his stewardship. Therefore, we are stewards who will give account to God. More so, in the words of the gospel reading; our hands may be clean, our pots and cups may be clean but the account we shall give to God shall be based on the cleanliness of our hearts. This means that inasmuch as we care for the earth and our hygiene we must also ensure that we do not downplay the weightier matters of our faith. Christianity is about God’s truth not man’s tradition. As clean as the Pharisees hands were, they often used them to pick and point, to finger and accuse, to indict and prosecute.

Let us pray

My Father and my God, through the power of the Holy Spirit, empower us to live a holy life so that we can truly represent Christ on earth and in every situation. Help us to walk with you in holiness and not in pretense. Help us to fulfill our destiny and purpose. Amen.

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