Isaiah 58:1-9; Psalm 51; Matthew 9:14-15
Isaiah speaks of a true fast as against putting on a false impression. For him, true fast makes us to renounce our transgressions and engage in pratical works of mercy. Similarly, in the gospel the theme of fasting was the subject of debate between the disciples of John and Jesus. John disciples asked; “Why do we and the Pharisees fast often but your disciples do not fast”? Jesus had told them in Matt 6:16 not to fast for mere show like the hyprocrites. Beloved, we must avoid fasle fast and false impression – we only deceive ourselves not God. Again, from Jesus’ response we understand that his disciples are not bound to follow the custom and practices of men. We must not expect others to do the things we do. During this season of lent we are not in competition – know your strength and do the best you can.
Let us pray
Father, give us the grace to follow you not man. Teach us to resist the spirit of unhealthy competition that breeds rivalries, defend the best we can offer to you this period of lent and help us to resist pride, arrogance and envy. Amen.