2KINGS 5:1-15; PSALM 42; LUKE 4:24-30

Both readings today speak of the cure of Naaman by Prohet Elisha. At this the Naaman declares that only in Israel is there a true God. Jesus is like Elijah and Elisha, He was not sent only to the Jews but to all peoples. So, just as Naaman was cleansed in Jordan so also we are cleansed by reason of our baptism into Christ. Therefore, anyone who is baptized is free from isolation and damnation. On the other hand, when Christ came to his own people they did not accept and the gospel tells us “No prophet is ever accepted in his own country”. Beloved, we have the tendencies to value those from outside than those within and around us. Often times we get too familiar with our ministers that we ignore their ministration. A prophet is a divine covering over a people. We must be submissive to their genuine  teaching if we want to remain under this Divine covering.  Familiarity with God’s prophet should put us into God’s family proper.  Unfortunately, it breeds contempt.

Let us Pray

May your unfailing compassion, O Lord, cleanse and protect your family and since without you we cannot stand secure, may we be governed by your grace. Grant us the spirit of reverence for your ministers and members. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever.

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