My soul shakes in anger and pain
Alas I mourn my fallen brothers
Arise o compatriots
We sang
As the mad dogs sprayed the steel bullets on our innocence
Our lives cut at the early prime
The fading light swtiched off
Swtiched to permit our deaths
The flame of death burns deep
The blood of the innocent cries for vengeance
Souls piled and wrapped up for the mothers to bury
The future is uncertain
The grave pleads for rest as the tears of the fallen comrades reach the heavens
Still none to rescue the souls deprived of speaking
Murder in cold blood
Still we waved our flags
Saluting our fatherland
In unity and for freedom
Breaking the shackles of oppression and suppression
We chanted as our souls departed from our earthly bodies
Our crime?
You might be so inquisitive to ask
A fight for good governance
A fight for our future
A fight for a greater Nigeria
A fight for the Nation of our dreams
A fight to put a stop to police brutality
Killed cause we rose up and spoke the truth.
Rest on my brothers
Rest in power!!!
Gone but never forgotten