ACTS 20:28-38; PSALM 68; JOHN 17:11-19
Both readings today present us with farewell speeches of Paul and Jesus Christ respectively. Paul admonished the Ephesians to remain steadfast even as he asked for God’s protection on them. Jesus prayed that his disciples should remain united, consecrated and delivered from all evil. This prayer is very much effective in our lives except for the sons of perdition -those who choose to derail. Beloved, we are the Lord’s disciples let us be steadfast in faith, abstain from evil, heresies, and be united. What is the relevance of our liturgy, prayers and worship if we still fight ourselves?
Graciously grant to your Church, O merciful God, that, gathered by the Holy Spirit, she may be devoted to you with all her heart and united in purity of intent. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever.