ECCLESIASTICUS 36:1, 4-5, 10-17; PSALM 79; MARK 10:32-45
Ben Sirach the Writer of the book of Ecclesiasticus prays that God should cast the fear of himself over every nation. He says; “Let them acknowledge you, just as we have acknowledged that there is no God but you, Lord.” Beloved, we need to know that there is no god but the Creator of heaven and earth. In this nation and all over the world we can survive our struggles if we acknowledge God and fear him. Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Where there is no Godly fear; there will be no wisdom. Precisely because of this, Jesus had to remind the disciples in the gospel reading; that he came to serve the Father and not to be served. Today, the reverse is the case; we have come to be served and not to serve the Father. The struggle, hardship and pains of this nation will remain until we learn to serve the Father’s will. Come to think of it; the Patriotic call is to serve our fatherland. Yes! Not just the land of our parents but ultimately, God’s land.
Today, the Church celebrates the memorial of St Philip Neri. He became known as ‘the second apostle of Rome’ because of his untiring work for all those in the city, whether they be Pope or servant boy. Beloved, true service leads to greatness. If we serve the Father’s will our world we be great and our souls will be glorified in perpetual light.
Father, you continually raise up your faithful to the glory of holiness. In your love kindle in us the fire of the Holy Spirit who so filled the heart of Philip Neri. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever. Amen.