Jonah 1:1-2:1, 11; Psalm – Jonah 2:3-5, 8; Luke 10:25-37
Reflecting on the Parable of the Good Samaritan Pope Francis says “The priest and the Levite see but ignore; they look but they do not offer to help. Yet there is no true worship if it is not translated into service to neighbour. Let us never forget this: before the suffering of so many people exhausted by hunger, violence and injustice, we cannot remain spectators.” Beloved, let us touch, care and love those we encounter. Do not ignore the wounded, dejected, and marginalised. Francis of Assisi whose memorial we celebrate today had a great love for God’s creatures and called them his brothers and sisters. He was the son of a wealthy cloth merchant, but moved by love and compassion for those around he left all his possessions and embraced complete poverty and service. He is the Founder of the Franciscan order. With St Clare he established the Franciscan nuns. He gave a perfect example of true worship in the services he rendered.
O God, by whose gift Saint Francis was conformed to Christ in poverty and humility, grant that, by walking in Francis’ footsteps, we may follow your Son, and, through joyful charity, come to be united with you. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever. Amen!