Appolonia U. Nwachukwu

LUKE 4 :38-39; REV 3:20.


Jesus was such an important personality that Simon’s mother in-law could have been so elated to receive in her domain. Such a personality deserves maximum attention, honour and profuse hospitality. She actually recognised the presence of Jesus but could not do the needful for Him. Though she was willing, but was down and incapacitated with fever.

This is exactly the situation with many believers today. Jesus in our hearts deserves our whole attention, love and obedience. Sometimes He comes with burdens to help Him lift. We recognise the voice of Jesus speaking continually within and are unable to respond.

Sometimes, we have all the zest and enthusiasm but are held down with diverse kinds of fever. The fever may not be malaria or covid but sometimes habitual sins. Once diseased in this manner, the consciousness of the Lord may not die, but for the torment it brings, the moral courage for good work will be lost. Thus, Matt. 26:41b says; “the spirit is indeed willing, but the flesh is weak “.

On the other hand, many are yet to personally recognize the voice of the Lord knocking at the door of their hearts to receive Him (Rev3:20). Kindly listen and open to Him. In all and whichever category you belong, all hope is not lost. The acceptable time of salvation is still with us (1Cor 6:2).

Jesus was only besought for Simon’s mother in-law, He rebuked the fever and she could rise to her duties. By the grace of this inspiration, I besought Jesus for your sake to rebuke every power of sin holding you from responding to His promptings. Through the same Christ our Lord. Amen.

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