Appolonia U. Nwachuku

TEXT: LUKE 6 :46-49; 1COR 3 : 11-15 & 2TIM 2:19


Presently, there is a noticeable boom in evangelization through the instrumentality of social media. This has resulted to a tremendous increase in the population of those who acknowledge and profess Jesus Christ as Lord. Hence, this generation of believers may not be guilty of either not preaching or hearing the good news of salvation .The Lordship of Christ has become so topical that even the deaf and the blind cannot claim uninformed.

However, there is still an existing and a very worrisome lacuna – missing link in our relationship with Jesus as Lord of our lives. Bigger percentage of the population of those under the Lordship of Christ are yet to provide an answer to the question of our Lord as in Luke 6:46, ” And why do you call me Lord Lord and do not the things which I say?” Why is it that we don’t practice?

The question above should be a compulsory take home assignment for all that claim the Lordship of Christ over there lives. Failure to provide an acceptable answer is tantamount to building in error and effort in futility.

While making a sincere effort to providing a consoling response to the Lord’s question, we must continue to build on the solid foundation that would neither shake nor collapse at any pressure or force excerted (Lk6:47-49).

Hence, it behoves us to place ourselves before the mirror of God’s word for a clearer view to avoid building for ruin.
Grace and peace to all through Christ our Lord.Amen.

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