DEUTERONOMY 30:15-20; PSALM 1; LUKE 9:22-25
Choose Eternal Life
See, “I set before you today life and prosperity, death and destruction.” Moses asked the people to make a choice between life and death. If they obey God’s commandments they will live; but if they don’t they will certainly be destroyed. Beloved, let us keep God’s word and choose life so that we can live both now and forever in the next. In line with this, the Psalmist speaks of the happiness of those who keep God’s commandments. Friends, choose life and be happy! In the Gospel, Jesus calls us to deny ourselves if we want to follow him. Faced with many attractive choices in today’s world, we must deny ourselves if we must save our lives. Therefore, during this season of lent let us choose holiness and eternal life.
Lord Jesus, as we go about our daily activities help us not to neglect your divine call. Teach us to make a choice for life and peace. Faced with attractive desires; guide us by the Holy Spirit. Faced with temptations; lead us by your victorious hand to the station of your heavenly bliss. Amen.