Gen.1:1-2:2; Gen.22:1-18; Ex.14:15-15:1; Isa.54:5-14; Isa.55:1-11; Baruch 3:9-15.32-4:4; Eze.36:16-17a.18-28; Rom.6:3-11; Luke 24:1-12:

We are presented with nine readings; seven from the Old Testament and two from the New Testament. For pastoral reasons the Old Testament readings may be reduced in number but not without the reading from Exodus 14. All the readings trace the history of salvation from the story of Creation to the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.  In the gospel; we see the women arriving at the tomb in the early hours and being greeted by two men who tell them not to seek Jesus among the dead because he has risen. Resurrection changes position. Jesus is no longer in the tomb but has risen as he said. If we too believe in Jesus we shall rise with on the last day. Again, if we believe in Jesus the power that raised Jesus from the dead shall vitalize our mortal bodies (Rom.8:11);  it shall change our lives for better; it change our position and relocate in the heavenly path.

The testimony of these women and their encounter at the tomb had both immediate and distant implications. On the first note, Peter and other disciples ran to the tomb and discover the truth of Christ’s resurrection and that became the dawn of the gospel of Christ. Secondly, generation later will come to build their faith on this same testimony. Beloved, Christ has risen. He is the reason for Christianity. Without the resurrection there is no Christianity and our preaching and faith St Paul says would have be in vain.  Therefore, let us run into the corners of our cities and villages and let the world know that Christ has risen from the grave; let us tell the world that the grave is not our final destination; there is hope for all those who believe and our hope shall not deceive us.


Lord God, On the Sabbath, Jesus rested. He was in the grave. He had finished his work. To most people’s eyes, it looked as if it were all over. He was dead and buried. But only as a seed dies when it is planted in the earth, not to decay, but to spring to new life. Teach us to take refuge in you when we are afraid; teach us that death is not our end; teach us to hope always in you and in the resurrection, the making of all things new through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.

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