LIGHT AND SALT of the earth

It is difficult to shine as light moment like this. Men are out to silence our faith. The challenges are overwhelming. The temptation is to fizzle out into faithlessness is so near. But in the face of this dilema Christ calls us to shine and preserve the earth.
Light and salt were precious and valuable elements in ancient cultures. These two elements are still significant and vital to human existence. Light expels darkness while salt preserves or sweetens. So, when Jesus calls us light; he wants us to drive away darkness from our world. Then as salt, He wants us to preserve the values of life and eternity. As light if we do not shine the world will remain in darkness. As salt if we remain inactive the world shall remain in sin.
But you see these haters of light in our land, very soon they shall be defeated. As we pray, let us also try and be security concious either as individual or as a church. Then, go get your PVC. The light must shine.
In the face of hardship we are called to shine
Look at the widow of Zarephath:
In the first reading, God sent Elijah to a widow at Zarephath. Widows were notorious for their poverty in the ancient world. The Bible says she was to eat her last before her death, yet in her travail she received and fed Elijah. Eventually, she was blessed. Beloved, irrespective of the nations economy we are called to shine and give preserve virtues. Despite the famine in the land, she was charitable and hospitable.
You are who you are whether in hardship or in plenty.
Father, have mercy and forgive us. Lord Jesus, may our light not grow dim. Holy Spirit help us to shine irrespective of the tensions and hardship in the land. Amen.
1Kings 17:7-16 Ps.4 MATTHEW 5:13-16
Fr. Daniel Evbotokhai