Wednesday of the Twelfth Week in Ordinary Time

_Alarm against fasle prophets, know your God and abide by the law._

2 Kings 22:8-13, 23:1-3; Psalm 118; Matthew 7:15-20

Jesus warned the crowds saying, “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits.” This warning is needed in our own time especially now that people disregard the authenticty of a prophet and pursue their personal appetite. They don’t care if the prophet is true or false all they want is solution.  

Beloved, many false prophets are out there and any Christian that exhibits faithlessness and fear shall be exploited. Many Christians are being exploited today, spiritually, materially, emotionally and financially. Those who know their God the Bible says shall do exploit (Dan.11:32). And so, I say to you, those who don’t know their God shall be exploited. Many are exploited because they follow prophets rather than Christ. If you follow Christ you can discern a false prophet but if you follow a prophet you will remain in confusion and wallow in pains. 

In the first reading, the people rediscovered the Book of the Law in the temple and brought it to King Josiah. He quickly ordered the people to abide by the law. True Christians are usually good citizens. The law is there too guide us but oftentimes we are too quick to follow the details of our own appetite. We have violated many laws because of our uncontrolled appetite. We hate sanctions and fight lay down principles and so many of us have become vitims of false layers, teachers, and prophets. These are the days we need to rediscover our faith, we need to rediscover the Catholic rich teaching and doctrine. We need to rediscover the Catholic disciplines and recue our souls from damnation. Beloved, follow Christ, abide by the law and you will be fulfilled. 

Fr. Daniel Evbotokhai

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