AMOS 7:10-17; PSALM 18; MATTHEW 9:1-8

In today’s first reading King Jeroboam and Amaziah confronted Amos over his prophecies but Amos replied that his words do not come from a group of prophets like Amaziah but directly from God. This implies that Amaziah prophecies are not from God. Beloved in Christ, it appears to me that we are in the generation of the prophetic due to the mad exhibition of prophecies everywhere. Be careful less you fall into the hands of false prophets.

In the Gospel, Jesus manifested the power of forgiveness and healing in the life of the paralytic. This stands to explain how the sacrament of penance equally brings about healing. In fact, the sacraments of penance and anointing of the sick are regarded as the sacrament of healing. Whenever our sins are forgiven we are equally healed spiritually. The world needs forgiveness and healing. We must continue to teach forgiveness and healing to the world rather pouring out prophecies that breed malice, disunity and hatred.

Pope Francis says: false prophet “can appear as “snake charmers”, who manipulate human emotions in order to enslave others and lead them where they would have them go. How many of God’s children are mesmerized by momentary pleasures, mistaking them for true happiness!” Again, he says false prophets “can also be “charlatans”, who offer easy and immediate solutions to suffering that soon prove utterly useless”. Lord save your people.

Act of contrition
O my God, I am sorry for my sins because I have offended you. I know I should love you above all things. Help me to do penance, to do better, and to avoid anything that might lead me to sin. Amen.

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