Amos 9:11-15; Psalm 85; Matthew 9:14-17

In the first reading the Lord says he will revive the fortunes of his people and re-establish the kingdom of David. This restoration or revival is available only for those who will key into the redeeming grace that Christ has given through his death and resurrection.  

In the Gospel, John’s disciples were more concerned with adhering 

to the custom of fasting and neglected the possibility of opening themselves more fully to the teaching of Jesus.

There are so many possibilities in God, customs and regulations should not deter us from these possibilities rather enhance our experience of God. It is not enough to follow religious practices and customs; it is not enough to fast and abstain from meat; we must also be open to the possibilities that available in the Spirit. Revival is not about how long you can fast but how far you can go in the Spirit. Christianity is not churchianity. It is common to see millions of people flock into churches every Sunday. But how many can actually stand for God? Don’t just be religious, be spiritual. 

Many fasted and caught ulcer. True Christians don’t just fast because others are fasting, they live and walk in the Spirit, they worship the Lord in spirit and in truth. 

Again, using wineskins as a case study, Jesus shows how the existing Jewish customs could be enhanced in the light of his preaching about the kingdom of God. The gospel of Christ is to transform us from being merely religious to being spiritual. 


Father, have mercy and save us. By the power of the Holy Spirit let there be revival in our Church. May we not just be religious but spiritual. We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

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