On God Always

1 Corinthians 6:1-11; Psalm 149; Luke 6:12-19

The selection of Jesus’ twelve followers is described in today’s gospel. Jesus prayed the entire night before he took his decision. This serves as a reminder to spend time in prayer before making crucial decisions. Never choose a life partner over a beer bottle or a serving of fried rice. Consider your options carefully and pray. Wisdom is good, but before beginning any endeavor, pray. We find God’s assistance and direction in prayer. In spite of his prayers Judas Iscariot the traitor was still one of his disciples. Imagine if he had not prayed at all. Praying may not eliminate challenges but it assures lasting victory. 

Still on this theme Paul says “If any of you has a dispute with another, do you dare to take it before the ungodly for judgment instead of before the Lord’s people?” (1Cor. 6:1). With this scripture, Apostle Paul teaches that believers should seek the Lord’s intervention in dispute. Belivers should present a cohesive face to unbelievers. Nothing is more polarizing and off-putting than open house fights. Better still, public fighting should be avoided and the causes of divide should be quickly addressed. They must act differently than others as a result of their baptism so that the Gospel can be spread at all times. Therefore, patience, forgiveness, tolerance and love are godly ways of healing disputes. Let us learn to to seek the Lord at all times.


Father, have mercy and forgive us. Give us success to our plans and decisions and grant us the knowledge of salvation. Amen

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