The Centurion’s Faith
1 Cor 11:17-26, 33. Psalm 40. Gospel Lk 7:1-10.
In Luke 7:1-10 Jesus helps a centurion’s slave regardless of the centurion’s religious belief. Can we discern God’s presence in people of different backgrounds, beliefs, or cultures?
This centurion has a savior-like quality. He is a kind role model who goes to tremendous lengths to protect a slave. Once a slave could no longer work, the more prevalent mentality would have been to discard him. He exemplifies humility. He asks this traveling rabbi for a favor despite being an officer in the imperial army. And he is an example of faith, acknowledging the power of Jesus.
Again, Jesus was incredibly moved by the man’s high sincere compassion for his slave. Despite the fact that he was not an Israelite, he put his confidence and trust in Jesus, whom he referred to as “Lord”. He said, “Lord,… I am not worthy to have you come under my roof; … But only speak the word, and let my servant be healed.” We don’t need to see Jesus with our physical eyes to know that he is present and active in our lives.
One way the Lord continues to manifest his presence in our lives is the Holy Eucharist. The Holy Eucharist is the true Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. In the first reading, St. Paul reprimanded the Corinthians for abusing the Eucharistic celebration. He reminds us of the true significance of the Eucharist. How do we relate with Jesus? Do we still have faith in the Eucharist?
Lord, grant us ever-deeper understanding of you. Help us to overcome fears and anxieties. In our daily lives, bless us with strength, faith and wisdom that we might be triumphant. Amen!