Ecclesiastes 11:9-12, 8; Psalm 90; Luke 9:43-45
Enjoy life, but be aware that you will be judged. Live it up, especially while you’re still young. Enjoy your youth while it lasts. There are countless opportunities and possibilities. You have a lot of options for what to do with your life. You can travel to many different places. Embrace life but remember that you shall give account of your life. (Eccl. 11:9-12)
The more responsibilities you have as you age, the less you are able to accomplish. Similarly, the irony of life is that as you age, your abilities decrease while your obligations increase. You have more things to do but less might for them. Therefore, don’t live to regret the days of your youth. Do not be deceived: God is not mocked. Whatever a man sows, he shall reap. (Gal 6:7).
Ecclesiastes 11 serves as a reminder of our stupidity, particularly while we are young. We frequently become sidetracked instead of acknowledging God and devotedly serving him. Many refer to it as “young exuberance,” as if we can’t exhibit the same enthusiasm for God’s goods.
Beloved, while we are still young, we must recognize God’s power and strengthen our faith so that we might be strong to withstand the rigors and burdens of life later.
Uncontrollable events take place in life. Do not allow the difficulties of life overwhelm you. Your time is limited, and life is but a passing dream. So don’t squander your precious time mourning and fretting over problems in life.
Jesus said to his disciples “Let these words sink into your ears…” My dear youths, let the words of Christ sink into our ears; it should take root in our lives and bring about authentic conversion and dedication.
Finally, change bad behaviour; forgive others and yourselves ; make wise decisions to boost your confidence; give assistance and decide to be happy.
Father, help young people to be courageous and wise as they navigate the difficulties of life. Also help us to remain teachable and humble in spirit. And save us through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.