JOB 9:1-16; PSALM 88; LUKE 9:57-62

Luke 9:57-62 presents us with the “Cost of Discipleship”. Jesus sets out on his final journey to Jerusalem; he was determined to finish the race. During this journey he three aspirants who said to him “I will follow you” but with different excuses. One said; “Lord, first let me go and bury my father”; another said; “let me first say farewell to those at my home.” 

The body of Christ today is clouded with disciples who are part-timers; excuses here and there. We chose to follow Jesus but our intentions and motives are not pure. We admire the spiritual journey, but we don’t want the Calvary experience. Beloved, discipleship is a fervent relationship with Jesus without excuses. Let us lay aside our excuses and follow Jesus. If we follow him we shall not wallow, if we follow him we shall be saved.

In the first reading, Job describes the Lord’s magnificence and glory in his words. He reassures his friends that God is always correct even though we cannot understand his thoughts. God who has called us knows what is best for us. Why do we excuse his call? Why the relaxed actitude towards the Divine task? God is Omnipotence, Omniscience and Omnipresence. He knows what is best for us. Prov 19:21 reminds us that “Many plans are in a man’s heart, but the purpose of the Lord will prevail.” 

We easily find excuses for our for inactions. Beloved, everything else is secondary to Christ’s call. All other commitments or services are subordinate to God’s service. Quit making excuses.


Father, lead us by the power of Your Spirit to be dedicated and deligent. Through Your Son Jesus Christ give us the grace to overcome our limitations. Amen. 

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