GALATIANS 3:1-5; PSALM –LUKE 1; LUKE 11:5-13

Two excellent examples of persistent asking are found in Luke: the story of the widow and the unjust judge (Luke 18:1–8) and the narrative of a friend at night. Jesus stresses the value of praying and requesting what we need. We are the Lord’s friends, let us be bold to ask and have the serenity to accept the Lord’s answer.

A neighbor wakes up a friend and his family in the middle of the night for a loaf of bread. He won’t take “no” for an answer. We usually suffer troubles and worries in the middle of the night when our friends and family are deep asleep. Like the neighbour who asked persistently, we must persistently stir up petitions. Don’t give up, “For everyone who knocks, the door will be opened”. God the Father will surely send the Holy Spirit into our hearts. Then, at least we may find sleep and strength for the future.

Again, Jesus uses this story of a friend who came asking at night to illustrate the need to be persistent in prayer. Prayer is a continuous, persistent petition to God for what we need, not simply a one-time attempt. We pray persistently not because God likes to make us wait or because we need to make a specific number of requests, but rather because frequent prayer helps us to have more clarity and depth in our faith and in our requests. In persistent prayer we come to discover that prayer ought to be theocentric not egocentric.  

Lastly, just as Paul admonished the Galatians we too must realize that prayer is not a function of the law but of faith. Heb. 11:6 says; without faith it is impossible to please God.


Father, grant us the gift of prayer, so that we may serve you with increased fervor, follow with more promptness and observe your divine precepts with greater fidelity. Amen

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