Ephesians 4:32-5:8; Psalm 1; Luke 13:10-17
Jesus Heals a Crippled Woman
Jesus heals a woman who had been hunched over for 18 years in the Gospel. Some physical disorders may result from natural inclinations, burden of regrets, wrath, guilt, and unforgiveness. But what was the cause of this woman’s condition? Could it be as a result of the human structure, her natural inclinations or a demon?
Some physical disorders are caused or sustained by bad policies and government. The behaviour of the pharisees in today’s gospel shows that there are some human structures and judgements which are capable of enslaving and crippling us.
This woman’s condition was caused by a demon. Jesus confirmed it in the gospel that she had a spirit of infirmity for eighteen years. This means that some physical disorders are caused by demonic spirits. There are some demons that spread phyiscal and spiritual paralysis.
But for those who trust in God no condition is permanent. It may have lasted for years, it may be eating deep into your resources but if you trust in God you shall be saved. The day shall come when God will arise and his foes shall be crippled.
Lastly, in the first reading, St. Paul exhorts us to treat one another with kindness and compassion. What are our attitudes toward the poor, orphans, and those with disabilities?
Father keep us free from demonic plans and spiritual attacks, direct our actions this day and fill us with the Holy Spirit that we may be kind, make us overcomers and heal the sick among us through Christ our Lord. Amen.