The motives behind your gifts

Philippians 2:1-4; Psalm 130; Luke 14:12-14


Oftentimes, most people are self-serving when given the opportunity, whether it be hoarding time or money. Again, rewards, recognition, or higher social status are often the driving forces behind the generosity of many.

However, numerous instances exist where people have volunteered their services to others without expecting anything in return. For such persons, they give not because there is a reward but because they have become blessings themselves. They simply give expression to the grace they have received in humility.

And so, on the parable of the guest, Jesus says “When you give a lunch or dinner, do not invite your friends or your brothers or your relatives or rich neighbours, in case they may invite you in return, and you would be repaid.” No doubt organizing any celebration at all could be demanding and so most people would always want to invite guest who could possibly meet their demands. 

This is not an absolute statement or decree against profit but a call to be kind and generous beyond gains. We shouldn’t always act for the sake of rewards and gains or favour that will be returned, but rather, we should be kind to people and especially those who can’t pay in return. 

Some individuals never include the impoverished in their celebrations because they believe they have nothing to contribute. This message serves as a gentle reminder that no one should ever be labeled an outcast because in Christ, the lowly can be exalted. The relegated can be the elevated. 

In the first reading, Phil. 2:1-4; St Paul exhorts the Philippians to be humble and united. If we are one in spirit and mind there won’t be division and segregation amongst us. As believers we must make every effort to live in love and unity, caring for ourselves irrespective of financial status and strength. 


Father, have mercy and forgive us. Give us strength to do your will and keep us free from troubles and perils. Amen. 

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