Philippians 4:10-19; Psalm 111; Luke 16:9-15

“Whoever is faithful in a very little is faithful also in much; and whoever is dishonest in a very little is dishonest also in much.” Oftentimes, those trusted with little things can be trusted with great things. Trust is one of the essentials marks of a good steward. No one will leave his or her enterprise for a manager or steward that is not trusted. To be trustworthy is to be reliable. Are you reliable? 

This passage also challenges us to strive for a heart that has no room for deceit, half-truths, or sneaky self-indulgence. 

Again, our faithfulness in little tasks is the best proof of our ability in bigger tasks. Little things are little things but from them the greatest often grow. The attitudes we display in little things determine if we can be entrusted with the Kingdom. 

Jesus adds; “You cannot serve God and wealth” Wealth in this verse can be taken literally or metaphorically; both interpretations are correct. It can represent anything that keeps us from serving God, anything that has the potential to replace God.

 Beloved, wealth is for service, therefore serve in a way that guarantee salvation. In the first reading St. Paul appreciated the Philippians for their contribution and assures them of God’s salvation. Every good gift is rewarded by God.


 Father, we thank you for your love. Fill us with the Holy Spirit and power and grant us your salvation through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Fr. Daniel Evbotokhai

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