(Memorial of St. Josaphat)
3 John 5-8; Psalm 1; Luke 18:1-8
The parable of the “dishonest” judge is used in today’s gospel to connect Jesus’ teaching on his impending return to earth with the significance of Christian prayer. If the poor widow who begged the unjust judge repeatedly for justice received it, then God, who is just and true, will undoubtedly respond to those who beg him persistently.
But the issue is that when we don’t receive the intended results from our prayers, we are quickly discouraged. Friends, we must develop a trusting and believing attitude toward God. Without regard to outcomes, we must learn to pray steadfastly. God sometimes pends answers so that we can spend time with him.
Most Christians only pray when they are in need. You are in trouble if you only pray when you are in difficulty. Pray at all times. Jesus will surely come however long-delayed his coming may seem. Let us not cease praying and pleading for redemptive justice.
Do excellent deeds in addition to prayer. John stresses the importance of showing strangers hospitality. Though it might seem like a risky business at certain point but through discernment we must prioritize God’s love to all. Heb.13:2 says; “Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it.”
Today the Church celebrates the Memorial of St. Josaphat (1580-1643), he worked faithfully for the unity of the Church until he suffered martyrdom at the hands of an angry mob in Russia. St. Josaphat, pray for us.
Father, have mercy and hear us. By the power of the Holy Spirit revive us again and increase the grace of prayer in us. Cast away our fears and make us bold through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.